May the 4th be with you students of the week!
almost 7 years ago, Dan Foehrkolb
Here are the rest of our book jacket winners!
almost 7 years ago, Dan Foehrkolb
Book Jacket
Book Jacket
Book Jacket
Congratulations to our book jacket winners! Students completed this project in their library class and our winners were selected by students and staff. Great project!
almost 7 years ago, Dan Foehrkolb
Book Jacket
Book Jacket
Book Jacket
Book Jacket Winners
Nice job by our jazz band, singsations, 7th/8th grade choir and 7th/8th grade band! Musicians and singers under the leadership of Mrs. Donnell showcased years of hard work tonight!
almost 7 years ago, Dan Foehrkolb
Great work by our 5th grade band, 6th grade choir and 6th grade band. Musicians and singers under the leadership of Mrs. Donnell put on a fantastic show tonight at WMS!
almost 7 years ago, Dan Foehrkolb
WMS 5th Grade General Music Concert. Students showcased their ukulele and vocal skills tonight.
almost 7 years ago, Dan Foehrkolb
Grade 5 Music
NJHS members were recognized today by WFD. Because of these student leaders WFD was able to purchase protective head covers. Great work ladies!
almost 7 years ago, Dan Foehrkolb
DARE 2018
D.A.R.E. celebration today at WMS. Thank you Officer Taylor and great work by our 5th grade!
almost 7 years ago, Dan Foehrkolb
DARE 2018