WMS girls battling Morton at home tonight!

Congratulations to our students of the week!

Where’s Waldo? Students donated $1+ to wear a costume to school today. All donations will be going to the Susan G. Komen Foundation.

WMS Students: Donate $1 and you may wear your costume on Wednesday! 100% of the donations will be sent to the Susan G. Komen Foundation. Pay your PAWS teacher. Sorry, no masks!

Happy Friday! Its a great day to checkout the latest news using our app or website! Reminder: Our Veteran's Day Assembly is Nov 8. All veterans are invited to be recognized!

Congratulations to our students of the week!

Miss Thompson’s PAWS took a few minutes today to celebrate their winning cake; well done!

Overall Winner...Mrs. Miller!

Congratulations to our grade level winners! 5 - Briner, 6 - Thompson, 7 - Schrock and 8 - Mattus!

Miss Briner’s class participating in a reader’s workshop. What is plot?

Mrs. Wallen’s class multiplying and dividing rational numbers. Scavenger hunt gets them up and moving!

Monday morning math workshop in Mrs. Fandel’s class.

Congratulations to our students of the week!

WHIP Grand Total: $1691.52!

Great work by our WMS family! WHIP totals: 1000 food items and $1200!

Congratulations to our Students of the Week!

Good luck to our musical cast and cross county state qualifiers!

Opening Night is here! WMS presents Peter Pan Jr. tonight at 7:00 p.m. The show will also run Friday at 7:00 p.m. and Saturday at 3:00 p.m.. Admission is $3 for students and $7 for adults. Students and staff are working hard behind the scenes; hope to see you all at the show!

Mrs. Johnson’s ELA discussing main idea today!

The Follett Book Fair is open at WMS! Students may shop before school, at lunch, after school and each night of the musical one hour before the show. Volunteers needed...