Here is evidence that fields exist between objects exerting forces on each other even though the objects are not in contact. Shout out to Mr. Werner’s class for the demonstration!

Congratulations to WMS Cheer! The team took first place at an ICCA Cheerleading Competition in Pontiac today!

A little engineering in science class today. The spaghetti bridge held 2,500 grams and spaghetti towers were built to hold a marshmallow for 15 seconds. The tallest tower 45.7 cm.

Shout out to Teen Conference Representative Parker for presenting today at lunch!

Teen Conference is scheduled for January 9. Packets were offered to students today at lunch. Cost to attend: 50 word essay and $15. Packets are due to Mrs. Isbell December 5! The conference is open to all students, grades 7 and 8.

Tonight's home basketball game begins at 4:30.

Come on out tonight to Beverly Manor and Cheer on the Girls' 7th Grade Basketball Team as they go up against Germantown Hills for the Regional Championship! Game begins at 6:00. Good Luck Lady Panthers!

WMS Girls Basketball had a special surprise for some fans the other night. After 8th grade recognition the team recognized Mr. and Mrs. Lawless who joined us on their 64th wedding anniversary!

When picking up your Butterbraid and Blend order today, please enter through door #9 (Chorus Room). Pickup times are 2:50-6:00 today.

Butterbraid and Blend order pick up is tomorrow at WMS from 2:50-6:00.

Earlier this week our choir had an opportunity to sing the national anthem at the junior achievement breakfast. Shout out to JA for the invite!

Great morning with our students of the week!

We recognized out 8th grade girls' basketball team and their parents last night. Such a great group! We also had the pleasure of recognizing Bob and Marlene Lawless who celebrated their 64th Wedding Anniversary! The Jimmy John's Half Time Shootout had some excitement as well!

Scenes from the girls basketball game tonight vs Midwest Central. Shout out to our student section!

Great morning with our students of the week!

Hands only CPR training today! Shout out to OSF and WFD for spending the day at WMS. Also, don’t be alarmed if you see emergency vehicles after school. WPD will hang around to talk health careers with NJHS students.

Math workshop in Miss Bailey’s fifth grade class. Great opportunity to work independently and in small groups!

For any student interested in participating in Wrestling, there will be a meeting this Thursday night at Beverly Manor where you and your parents can find out more information. Please see the attached flyer for more information.

Shout out to the WMS Pep Band for coming out tonight!

A reminder that tonight's boys' basketball game at WMS begins at 5:30.