District 52 uses Handwriting without Tears to teach Handwriting.
Kindergarten introduces the alphabet and letter formation.
Grade 1 reviews letter formation
Grade 2 refines printing practice
Grade 3 introduces Cursive writing. The goal is for students to learn the cursive alphabet, how to connect letters, and to sign their name.
Grades 4 & 5 do not directly teach Cursive, but can require students to write their name in Cursive on assignments or other activities in which handwriting is required. Grades 4 & 5 Teachers will write students’ names in cursive on labels, name tags, etc. as often as possible.
It is encouraged in Grades 6-8 for students to continue writing their name in cursive, as this is a life skill for the future.
Cursive is faster than printing, and greater writing speed allows writers to write better by lessening the burden on working memory (Peverly, 2006)
Cursive helps develop cognitive abilities, which are the “brain-based skills” needed to carry out tasks (Morton, 2011)
Students in Grades 3-8 will have a Google typing account from Typing Club.
Teachers will have the ability to assign typing activities to students.
In Grades 6-8 typing practice will take place periodically during Encore Period.