District 52 uses a variety of assessments for students in all grades. Teachers and Administrators analyze the data from different sources to guide their instruction and pinpoint strengths and weaknesses with students.
Screening and Benchmark Assessments
These tests are given to all students to determine grade level and classroom needs to guide instruction
PASI (Phonological Awareness Screener for Intervention): Skilled readers benefit from proficiency in phonological and phonemic awareness. PASI assesses specific phonological skills, such as rhyming and syllables, and phonemic awareness skills, such as phoneme isolation. PASI is administered to all Kindergarteners one-on-one in fall, winter, and spring. The PASI measures are included in the ESGI software.
ISEL (Illinois Snapshots of Early Literacy): ISEL assesses Alphabet Recognition, Letter Sounds, High Frequency Word Recognition, and Reading Fluency. Students in Grade K are tested in Alphabet Recognition and Letter Sounds in fall, winter, and spring. The ISEL measures are included in the ESGI software. Students in Grades 1-5 are tested in Oral Reading Fluency in fall, winter, and spring. This is done in the Renaissance Platform.
Phonics Screeners: Various phonics skills are assessed in Grades K-2 in fall, winter and spring. The skills that are assessed align with the phonics curriculum in these grade levels.
Words Their Way Spelling Inventory: Students in Grades 1-5 are given a spelling test using a developmentally appropriate list of words in fall, winter and spring. Through error analysis, this test determines which developmental spelling stage a student is in.
STAR: STAR is a computerized, adaptive assessment. It assesses each student on an individual basis with each new question based on the student’s previous response. A scaled score is earned in Math, Reading, or Early Literacy and is a measure of individual achievement.
Scaled scores make it possible to follow a student’s educational growth from year to year. Students in Grades 2-8 take the STAR Reading and Math tests in the fall, winter, and spring.
aimswebPlus: aimswebPlus offers nationally-normed, skills-based benchmark assessments and progress monitoring for reading and math. Students in K-1 are given the aimswebPlus Math Concepts and Applications assessment, which is administered in a one-on-one format, in the fall, winter, and spring.
Outcome Assessments:
These tests are given to students to determine effectiveness of core instruction and to identify gaps in curriculum. These tests are typically summative and given towards the end of a school year.
IAR (Illinois Assessment of Readiness): District 52 is required by the State of Illinois to complete the IAR Test. IAR tests students in Grades 3-8 in the areas of Math and English Language Arts. IAR is designed to assess our students' achievement of the New Illinois Learning Standards. The tests are web-based.
ISA (Illinois Science Assessment): District 52 is required by the State of Illinois to give this test in Grades 5 and 8. ISA assesses students’ knowledge of the new IL Science Standards, or NGSS.
KIDS (Kindergarten Individual Development Survey): District 52 is required by the State of Illinois to give this test to all Kindergarten students within the first 40 days of the school year. Teachers observe students on multiple academic, behavioral, and social domains. The purpose of this test is to determine the readiness level of incoming Kindergarteners.
Fitnessgram: District 52 is required by the State of Illinois to administer various physical fitness tests to students in Grades 3-8 in Physical Education class. In the spring, the district reports out the percentage of students in Grades 5 and 7 that are in the healthy zone and those at risk.
ACCESS (Assessing Comprehension and Communication in English State-to-State for English Language Learners): District 52 is required by the State of Illinois to administer this test to students who are eligible for ELL services. This test assesses Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening and is given in the Winter.