Students entering Kindergarten in the Fall are encouraged to attend Screening, which takes place in May of each previous year.
One of the reasons for Kindergarten Screening is to do the best job we possibly can balancing our Kindergarten classes by ability. Research shows that young children learn best when classrooms consist of children of varied learning levels. A balanced, or heterogeneously-grouped classroom allows all children to learn from the teacher and from each other.
Another reason for Kindergarten Screening is to give parents more information about their child’s readiness skills, especially if they are considering waiting another year for their child to begin school. The results of these tests will show the range of the child’s skills. Any child who is 5 years old by September 1 can enter Kindergarten regardless of scores. Sometimes parents decide to wait a year; that is their choice, not a district requirement.
Finally, the results from Kindergarten Screening help guide our teachers’ instruction so they are able to intervene or enrich students starting the first week of school. These screening assessments are administered throughout the school year, with results being shared with parents, to show a student’s progress and growth over time.
We administer the following quick assessments during Screening:
1. Letter Names and Letter Sounds
2. Phonological Awareness (Rhyming, Syllables, etc)
3. Basic Skills in Math including oral counting