Response to Intervention (RtI) is a systemic approach to address the needs of all students in District 52. RtI is a K-12 general education initiative with a multi-tier approach to the early identification and support of students with learning and behavior needs. Each state has developed an umbrella of regulations and guidelines for school districts to follow. RtI looks different in each school district because of the amount and type of resources each school has available. The components of RtI can be utilized in subject areas such as reading, math, writing, and behavior. In District 52, all grade levels have a time built into the school day for students who need Tier 2 supports in the areas of reading and math. Students who need Tier 3 supports are serviced by our certified intervention specialists. If a child is referred to Tier 3, a parent meeting is held, and a formal plan is written up.

Three-Tier Model of Support

Tier I: All students receive high-quality, differentiated classroom instruction using research-based materials and teaching methods. Universal screening of all students is administered three times per year, typically in the fall, winter, and spring.

Tier II: Based on multiple pieces of data (universal screener, other district screeners and assessments, and teacher observations), some students are identified as needing additional instruction, also known as, interventions. This targeted group of students is progress monitored in order to determine if they are responding adequately to the interventions they receive. Tier II interventions are built into the school day for students in Grades 6-8. In Grades K-5 a grade level intervention block is built into the daily schedule for 30 minutes/day.

Tier III: If a student does not make adequate progress from the interventions, additional, more intense interventions are provided. Progress monitoring occurs more frequently in this tier. Students needing the most intense support in order to continue making progress may be referred to a team that determines eligibility for Special Education.

Special Education: Students with an IEP (Individualized Education Plan) are provided interventions with formal accommodations and support tailored to their needs both in the General Education setting and the Special Education setting. Progress monitoring aligned to interventions and IEP Goals occur at this Tier.

Ongoing Components of RtI

  • Research-based interventions are used for instruction.

  • Interventions can be provided by a general education teacher, teacher aide, reading teacher/specialist, special education teacher, speech teacher, or any other trained educator.

  • A problem-solving approach, using multiple data sources, is employed to make decisions about the instruction students receive.

  • Classroom teachers communicate with parents about their child’s progress throughout the school year. This progress is measured in comparison to the norms/standards set for each grade level, or where we expect students to be at a certain point in the school year.

Adapted from http://www.rtinetwork.org

Building Intervention Group (B.I.G.) Teams

Lincoln Grade School and Washington Middle School each have a problem-solving team, or BIG Team, made up of general education and special education teachers, administrators, reading specialists, and a school psychologist. Our mission is to help students, parents, and teachers with the RtI process, specifically problem solving with teachers, when students are not responding to interventions and instruction.

B.I.G.’s Role:

  • Help District 52 understand, implement, and follow the RtI framework

  • Communicate with staff members and parents the purpose of RtI

  • Coordinate the problem-solving process between the teachers, committee members, and parents

  • Problem-solve together with classroom teachers who have a student of concern

  • Problem solve and come to a consensus on how to best meet the needs of students in District 52

  • Provide assistance to staff members working with students who are not responding to interventions that have been implemented

  • Provide a professional, respectful environment during meetings so that teachers and parents feel comfortable sharing information about a student in order to accelerate the problem-solving process

  • Facilitate the referral process to have a student evaluated for Special Education services when appropriate