To watch the Washington Middle vs. Central boys basketball game today at 4:30, please use the following link. Go Panthers!
Please see the attached link for the BBB game vs. Christ Lutheran. The game begins at 5:00. Go Panthers!
Here is the link for the volleyball game tonight vs. East Peoria. Game begins at 4:30. Go Panthers!
Please use the following link to order Butterbraid items for the District 52 Athletic and Music Fundraiser.
Our Spring Fundraiser is here!!! Click the links below to order online or you may make a donation by check made payable to either D52 Athletic or Music Boosters. Thank you for your support!
District 52 is once again participating in the 5 Essentials Survey for our Parents. Please take a few minutes to complete the survey for the building that your child attends. If you have children attending both schools, you are able to complete a survey for each building. This survey is designed to generate a detailed picture of the inner workings of your child’s school. As a parent, this opportunity will allow you to share your thoughts on the important elements of school effectiveness in a survey about your child’s school. Please complete the survey by April 2, 2021. You can access the Parent Survey here: We appreciate your feedback!
Here is the link for the boys basketball game tonight vs. Dunlap Valley beginning at 6:00. Go Panthers!
Congratulations to our students of the week for February 19!
Good Morning,
To watch the Washington Middle/Tremont Volleyball Game tonight beginning at 4:30, please use the following link. Go Panthers!
To watch the Tremont BBB game tomorrow beginning at 5:30, you will need to go to the following site. Scroll down and follow the instructions. It requires a subscription.
All activities including Volleyball, Boys Basketball, Cheer, and Scholastic Bowl are cancelled for today as well.
Due to the weather conditions, Tuesday, February 16th will be a remote learning day (Connected Learning) for District 52 Schools.
Good Morning! The volleyball and basketball game for tonight, Monday, February 15 has been canceled. There will be no pictures or practice today for either team.
The volleyball game tomorrow at Mossville will be livestreamed through the following link beginning at 10:00.
The boys basketball game at Morton will be live streamed through the following link beginning at 10:00.
Go Panthers!
Congratulations to our students of the week for February 12th!
Shout out to our student athletes, coaches and parents for making tonight great!
The volleyball game tonight at Dee Mack will be livestreamed through the following link beginning at 4:30.
The boys basketball game at home vs. Dee Mack will be live streamed through the following link beginning at 5:45.
Go Panthers!
Here is the link for the live stream of the boys basketball game tonight at Dunlap Valley that begins at 4:30. Go Panthers!
The basketball game tonight at Metamora will be livestreamed through the following two links. 7th grade (4:30 start)
8th Grade -
The volleyball game vs. Metamora will be live streamed through the Washington Grade School District 52 Facebook page beginning at 4:15. Go Panthers!
Our 5th grade students of the week for February 5th!