Mental Health Wellness Tip of the Day Everyone find their own retreat space. You can make this place cozy by using blankets, pillows, cushions, scarves, beanbags, tents and forts. Even when we are on top of each other it is important to have our own special space.
over 4 years ago, Dan Foehrkolb
Mental Health Wellness Tip of the Day Give everyone the benefit of the doubt; cooped up time can bring out the worst in everyone. Do not show up to every argument you are invited to and do not hold grudges.
over 4 years ago, Dan Foehrkolb
Mental Health Wellness Tip of the Day Spend extra time playing, Children often make a bid for attention and communication through play. Play is how children process their world and problem solve, and there’s a lot they are seeing and experiencing in the now.
almost 5 years ago, Dan Foehrkolb
Still need to exercise today?  Try this one! 
almost 5 years ago, Dan Foehrkolb
For as long as schools are closed, Audible is open! Right now, students can instantly stream an incredible collection of stories! Follow the link below!
almost 5 years ago, Dan Foehrkolb
Mental Health Wellness Tip of the Day Develop a self-care toolkit: blanket or stuffed animal, photos, music, journal, inspirational book, gum and ice packs are good for anxiety. Last, decorate a self-regulation comfort box to store items.
almost 5 years ago, Dan Foehrkolb
Butterbraid Update: The fundraiser has been postponed until further notice. No payments will be processed until the fundraiser resumes. Sorry for any inconvenience. Stay safe everyone!
almost 5 years ago, Dan Foehrkolb
Mental Health Wellness Tip of the Day Stay hydrated and eat well. Drink plenty of water, eat some good and nutritious foods and challenge yourself to learn how to cook something new!
almost 5 years ago, Dan Foehrkolb
Mental Health Wellness Tip of the Day: Reach out to others at least thirty minutes daily. Try Facebook Messenger Kids, Zoom, FaceTime, Skype, phone calls, texting, etc...connect with other people to seek and provide support.
almost 5 years ago, Dan Foehrkolb
almost 5 years ago, Dan Foehrkolb
Great lesson Mr. Strickler! Made my morning!
almost 5 years ago, Dan Foehrkolb
Mental Health Wellness Tip of the Day: Find some time to move each day for at least thirty minutes. If you don’t feel comfortable going outside, there are many YouTube videos that offer free movement classes, and if all else fails, turn on the music and have a dance party!
almost 5 years ago, Dan Foehrkolb
You all are doing great! #thisisd52
almost 5 years ago, Dan Foehrkolb
Mental Health Wellness Tip of the Day: Get some fresh air for at least thirty minutes each day. Go out early and take a walk to avoid crowds or if you need to stay home open a window for a bit. It is amazing how much fresh air can do for spirits.
almost 5 years ago, Dan Foehrkolb
Mental Health Wellness Tip of the Day Dress for the social life you want, not the social life you have currently. Get dressed in comfortable clothes, wash your face and brush your teeth. Put on some bright colors. It is amazing how our dress can impact our mood. #thisisd52
almost 5 years ago, Dan Foehrkolb
The Kindergarten team is going to create a Virtual Easter Egg Hunt for our 7th graders to do with their Kindergarten Buddy. Each 7th grader is asked to take a picture with an Easter Egg (be as silly as you want). Feel free to join in the fun and post your picture! #thisisd52
almost 5 years ago, Dan Foehrkolb
Video letter from the 8th grade team!
almost 5 years ago, Dan Foehrkolb
Mental Health Wellness Tip of the Day: Stick to a routine. Go to sleep and wake up at a reasonable time. Also, have a schedule that includes time for work as well as self-care.
almost 5 years ago, Dan Foehrkolb
March 30th - April 7th Letter from Mr. Minasian
almost 5 years ago, Pat Minasian
March 27 Letter
For March 30-April 7, WGSD #52 is providing lunch to all children under the age of 18 in our area. The serving area is Washington Middle School, 1100 N. Main Street. Pickup will take place between 11:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. daily. We are asking you to use the front circle drive as a drive-thru, meals will be brought out to you. Please contact our Food Service Director Sonya Link at with any questions.
almost 5 years ago, Pat Minasian