Our bus drivers are ready to go! Can't wait to see all of our students next week!
over 6 years ago, Pat Minasian
Great day of New Teacher Orientation welcoming our new staff to District 52!
over 6 years ago, Pat Minasian
Mobile App Winners: Yearbook: 912750, 912840, 912784, 912897 and 912889 $50 School Supply Gift Card: 912868 Present your winning ticket to WMS office!
over 6 years ago, Dan Foehrkolb
Check out our new website! https://youtu.be/7P4UBivPzE4
over 6 years ago, Jon Smith
“Update in 00:52” Check out our new app! https://youtu.be/7fzGN92UyGY
over 6 years ago, Jon Smith
Win a gift card & more! During registration, show us you have the D52 app and be entered in a drawing for: $50 Gift Cards/Free Yearbooks
over 6 years ago, Pat Minasian
We're Mobile
D52 online pre-registration is now open! You can access it through Skyward’s Family Access. Registration is July 30 & 31 from 11-7.
over 6 years ago, Pat Minasian
D52 is hiring 2nd shift custodians. Please use the link on our website to apply or email d52newsletter@d52schools.com
over 6 years ago, Pat Minasian
Thank you for your service to D52 Cindy!
almost 7 years ago, Dan Foehrkolb
Thank you for your service to D52 Lisa!
almost 7 years ago, Dan Foehrkolb
Second grade students hosted guest readers today...Our favorite part of the day!!
almost 7 years ago, Pat Minasian
NJHS Washington Fire Department project by WMS students!
almost 7 years ago, Jon Smith
4th Grade Picnic!
almost 7 years ago, Jon Smith
WMS Business Fair. Great job by our 5th grade!
almost 7 years ago, Dan Foehrkolb
LGS Art Show Winners! Their artwork will be framed and will be on display in the foyer for the 2018-2019 school year!
almost 7 years ago, Jon Smith
LGS Art Show Winners '18
D52’s PTC appreciates our awesome teachers!
almost 7 years ago, Pat Minasian
It was great to recognize two awesome 4th grade students from LGS at the Illinois Principal Association Breakfast! Congrats!
almost 7 years ago, Jon Smith
May the 4th be with you students of the week!
almost 7 years ago, Dan Foehrkolb
The 4th grade track meet has been rescheduled for Friday, May 4th.
almost 7 years ago, Pat Minasian
Nice job by our jazz band, singsations, 7th/8th grade choir and 7th/8th grade band! Musicians and singers under the leadership of Mrs. Donnell showcased years of hard work tonight!
almost 7 years ago, Dan Foehrkolb