Our bus drivers are ready to go! Can't wait to see all of our students next week!

Great day of New Teacher Orientation welcoming our new staff to District 52!

Mobile App Winners:
Yearbook: 912750, 912840, 912784, 912897 and 912889
$50 School Supply Gift Card: 912868
Present your winning ticket to WMS office!

Check out our new website! https://youtu.be/7P4UBivPzE4

“Update in 00:52” Check out our new app! https://youtu.be/7fzGN92UyGY

Win a gift card & more! During registration, show us you have the D52 app and be entered in a drawing for: $50 Gift Cards/Free Yearbooks

D52 online pre-registration is now open! You can access it through Skyward’s Family Access. Registration is July 30 & 31 from 11-7.

D52 is hiring 2nd shift custodians. Please use the link on our website to apply or email d52newsletter@d52schools.com

Thank you for your service to D52 Cindy!

Thank you for your service to D52 Lisa!

Second grade students hosted guest readers today...Our favorite part of the day!!

NJHS Washington Fire Department project by WMS students!

4th Grade Picnic!

WMS Business Fair. Great job by our 5th grade!

LGS Art Show Winners! Their artwork will be framed and will be on display in the foyer for the 2018-2019 school year!

D52’s PTC appreciates our awesome teachers!

It was great to recognize two awesome 4th grade students from LGS at the Illinois Principal Association Breakfast! Congrats!

May the 4th be with you students of the week!

The 4th grade track meet has been rescheduled for Friday, May 4th.

Nice job by our jazz band, singsations, 7th/8th grade choir and 7th/8th grade band! Musicians and singers under the leadership of Mrs. Donnell showcased years of hard work tonight!